Evaluation of the Driveway Assistance Device (DAD) Systems in One-Lane Two-Way Work Zone
项目名称: Evaluation of the Driveway Assistance Device (DAD) Systems in One-Lane Two-Way Work Zone
摘要: When one lane of a two-lane, two-way roadway is closed as a result of a work zone, traffic in each direction will take turns utilizing the one lane that is open. The alternate one-way traffic will be controlled using various methods including flagger, pilot car, or portable traffic signals. However, these control methods are not always feasible for controlling work zone access points that are located in the work zone such as residential driveways, business driveways, or minor side streets. This proposal will focus on the driveway assistance device (DAD) systems that are located in the one-lane two-way work zone. The proposed study will evaluate DAD systems in Nebraska. Their safety and efficacy will be analyzed quantitative, empirical performance measures including waiting times, compliance rates, and stop locations. It is anticipated that driver survey will also be conducted. The objectives of this research are to: (1) Determine the DAD display design that best directs drivers to safely enter the one-lane, two-way work zone operation and proceed in the proper direction of travel; (2) Model efficacy of the DAD systems in terms of driver’s compliance or violation behaviors, as well as the time savings for both driveway and the main road traffic; and (3) Develop a Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) implementation guide outlining best practice for using these systems in Nebraska. At present, DAD systems are not included in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). As part of the technology transfer component, this project will develop the necessary background material to have the MUTCD approve the use of DAD systems in work zones.
状态: Active
资金: 258016
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
执行机构: University of Nebraska, Lincoln
开始时间: 20200901
预计完成日期: 20220228
主题领域: Highways;Operations and Traffic Management;Safety and Human Factors