摘要: |
Wrong-way driving (WWD) crashes are largely random events scattered throughout the State’s Interstate and freeway system. Despite a traffic safety project completed in 2017 that installed enhanced ground mounted signing at exit ramps, WWD crashes continue to take lives on Arkansas Interstates and freeways. Innovative countermeasures to deter WWD are being tested by other transportation agencies, with some methods showing promise. New devices include WWD event-activated flashing beacons and signs, directional rumble strips, video detection, driver alerts, and sometimes enforcement alerts.
This research will analyze WWD crashes in Arkansas and test innovative countermeasures at selected test locations on ARDOT Interstates. The objectives of this research are to identify potential contributing factors to wrong-way entry onto freeways and Interstates; and to determine effective countermeasures that can be implemented in a cost-effective manner. To accomplish these objectives, first, existing crash data will be analyzed, possible countermeasures will be identified, and efforts of other states will be reviewed. Next, equipment will be selected to test on Arkansas Interstates, locations identified, and field-testing begun. The WWD countermeasures will be studied through the research and implementation periods. |