Public Transportation , Transportation Network Companies (TNC) and Active Modes: An analysis based on 2009 and 2017 NHTS
项目名称: Public Transportation , Transportation Network Companies (TNC) and Active Modes: An analysis based on 2009 and 2017 NHTS
摘要: Over the last few years, transit ridership has fallen drastically in Southern California whereas Transportation Network Company (TNC) have been expanding tremendously. The decline of transit and the rise of TNCs have a number of adverse consequences, including increases in congestion in urban areas, additional air pollution, and a reduction in the physical activity of people who would otherwise walk/bike to access transit. Due to limited information on TNCs, research on these consequences are few. In this context, this project will cover three key questions related to Transit, TNC and Active Mode based on the 2009 and 2017 NHTS data: 1. To what extent have TNCs displaced transit users in California? We will find out the difference between the travel behavior of two transit user groups under the availability/non-availability of TNC services. We will use Propensity Score Matching Technique to match the user groups based on socio-economic and land use variables. 2. To what extent does public transportation contribute to active modes in California? Transit is partly an active mode because the first and last mile of transit trips include walking/bikeing. This dimension of transit has not been yet explored in the context of California. Through a cross-nested logit (CNL) model, we will evaluate this nature of public transportation where transit will be a part of both active and non-active nests. 3. How can we promote Public Transit? We will analyze transit perception questions in the 2017 NHTS. Results will be helpful to transit operators and policymakers.
状态: Active
资金: $90,970.00
资助组织: California Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Brinkerhoff, Cort
执行机构: University of California Irvine
开始时间: 20200501
预计完成日期: 20210430
主题领域: Passenger Transportation;Public Transportation;Research;Transportation (General)