Mobility, Accessibility and Disadvantaged Neighborhoods
项目名称: Mobility, Accessibility and Disadvantaged Neighborhoods
摘要: To understand the nature, pattern, and magnitude of commonalities and differences among neighborhoods in mobility and access to opportunities, the project will construct and analyze tract-level and transportation-mode-specific accessibility indicators to employment, quality elementary schools, and primary health care. The proposed project will focus on an urban county and a rural county, Los Angeles (LA) and San Joaquin (SJ). The project will use bivariate and multivariate statistical methods to describe the variation in mobility and accessibility among policy-based definitions of disadvantaged neighborhoods. The project is organized around five tasks to be completed within one year. Task 1 includes assembling transportation and accessibility indicators from existing sources, including those that were developed or currently being developed by CNK in partnership with CARD and Caltrans. Task 2 will develop additional indicators where needed and modify existing ones to reflect the specific characteristics of each of the two countries. Task 3 will statistically examine and measure the degree of heterogeneity in the transportation-accessibility indicators among all neighborhoods. Task 4 covers the posting of the dataset on a website. The last task will produce a final report, a policy brief, and a set of papers to submit to academic and professional journals for publication. The project's primary state partner is CARB. CNK recently completed a project with CARD, co-funded by Caltrans that produced a statewide spatial data system to monitor land-use changes for small geographies (primarily census tracts) related to sustainable community strategies. CARB is currently funding a CNK project to develop tract-level indicators related transportation disparities among neighborhoods. The researchers will work with CARB to avoid duplicate efforts in constructing indicators. CARB will also facilitate the policy and programmatic use of the information produced by the project, both within representatives from other state departments, regional and local jurisdictions, and community groups. The committee plays an important role in prioritizing the analytical work to maximize the practical usefulness of the final product. The overall goal is to enable stakeholders to better match programs and funds to the specific needs and opportunities of neighborhoods. The researchers have three potential locations to post the dataset, UrbanDisplacement.Org, which is maintained by UC Berkeley with CNK as a collaborator and focuses on gentrification and displacement. The other website is California Energy Commission's energy equity project, which maps state funding relative to disadvantaged neighborhoods. CARB is working with the commission on hosting findings from the transportation disparity study. The project will also explore working with Caltrans to house the products on its website.
状态: Active
资金: $113,940.00
资助组织: California Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Brinkerhoff, Cort
执行机构: University of California, Los Angeles
开始时间: 20200315
预计完成日期: 20201212
主题领域: Policy;Public Transportation;Research;Society;Transportation (General)