Säkerhetsförarens förutsättningar att ingripa - en pilotstudie med fokus på trötthet/uppmärksamhet
项目名称: Säkerhetsförarens förutsättningar att ingripa - en pilotstudie med fokus på trötthet/uppmärksamhet
摘要: Purpose and goal: The goal is to study the effect on the safety driver´s alertness and attention during a work session in an automated electrified bus that operate an urban area in daily traffic. The data collection takes place in Linköping at the mobility arena ELIN. A number of drivers are provided with physiological equipment and eye movement systems to evaluate how drivers´ alertness and attention are affected during work as a supervisor and as an operator in safety-critical situations. The results will be used to develop guidelines / training to ensure that drivers can act when required. Expected results and effects: The acquired knowledge will be included in Transdev´s driver´s guide for safety drivers in automated small buses and in the training that Transdev provides to its drivers. Furthermore, a proposal for the design of driver support will be developed. The design is based on existing driver support systems for driver fatigue and attention where the system is adapted to the driver´s new supervisory role. The starting point is a Human factors perspective in aim to have "the driver in the loop". Approach and implementation: The study includes a data collection and analysis of security drivers´ alertness and attention. Wakefulness and attention will not be manipulated, but the data collection takes place as a so-called naturalistic study. In total, data will be collected from the approximately 10 safety drivers working in 2 autonomous buses (ELIN mobility platform). The driver´s alertness and attention is determined by physiological measurements, eye trackers and self-reported sleepiness. The driver´s health/ sleep will be measured 3 days prior to data collection. Ethical approval is needed.
资金: 0.00
项目负责人: Anund, Anna
执行机构: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
开始时间: 20191101
预计完成日期: 20200630
主题领域: Public Transportation;I83: Accidents and the Human Factor