摘要: |
Helicopter operations are primarily classified within the FAA as FAR Part 135 or General Aviation (GA). Since prior weather-related GA gap analysis funded by the FAA WTIC Program has been conducted by PEGASAS Project 4 (Weather Technology in the Cockpit), this PEGASAS Project has relevance to address weather-related gaps, shortfalls, and causal factors affecting helicopter operations. Beyond this prior gap analysis, there are additional concerns regarding challenges of the rotorcraft flight regime (including wind effects and vertical flight), mission profiles, and flight / landing environments. An initial effort to identify and classify these challenges has begun by PEGASAS research participants, in order to create a Draft Research Project Plan (DRPP) that elaborates and expands previously defined PEGASAS Project 4 gaps. The DRPP will also leverage prior work conducted in two other PEGASAS Project efforts to generate the baseline project research questions, high level schedule, scope, stakeholders and work tasks to successfully accomplish the comprehensive gap analysis project proposed here. |