原文传递 Freight Modal Split
题名: Freight Modal Split
责任者: Comité technique 19 Transport de marchandises / Technical Committee 19 Freight Transport
关键词: not available
学科分类: 公路运输
摘要: The report provides a statistical overview of trends in freight transport concentrating on growth in different modes of freight transport, modal split for freight, average length of haul, and commodities transported. Where possible an attempt has been made to cover both domestic and international freight movements. Trends in freight transport are analysed for two major geographical regions - Europe (including Central Europe), and the North American Free Trade (NAFTA) region which includes Canada, Mexico and USA. In addition some data is presented for Australia and 2 Asian countries - China and Japan. The analysis is shown with both tables and graphs as far as possible using consistent data categories, although countries and regions differ in the terminology and definitions used to describe freight transport. The report provides a description of the factors influencing modal split such as cost, speed, timeliness, reliability, and flexibility as well as historical factors such as past investments in infrastructure, technology, regulation, economic development and structural change. The report gives an overview of future developments in freight transport as the result of changing patterns of economic development, technology, and physical constraints.
出版机构: 世界道路协会(PIARC)
总页数: 144
报告类型: 科技报告
资源类型: 科技(咨询、行业)报告
初始创建时间: 2004