摘要: |
This report describes the research activities during the second year of a three-year project conducted for the Texas Department of Transportation to identify, evaluate, and recommend traffic control devices in Texas border areas with Mexico. This second year, referred to as Phase II, included evaluations of 30 different traffic control devices by 546 passenger car drivers in three border-area cities, and evaluations of 26 different truck-related traffic signs and alternatives by 260 truck drivers in Laredo, Texas. The results indicated that many of the drivers in the border area have adequate understanding of most basic traffic control devices. Areas of improvement, especially for an educational effort, include construction and maintenance work zone devices, pavement markings, and a select few English-legend signs and truck-related signs with U.S. Customary units. Recommendations are made for follow-up evaluations of passenger car and truck drivers for selected regulatory, warning, and guide signs. |