原文传递 Evaluation of the Mack Intelligent Vehicle Initiative Field Operational Test.
题名: Evaluation of the Mack Intelligent Vehicle Initiative Field Operational Test.
作者: orban, j. hadden, j. stark, g. brown, v.
关键词: driver performance, tanker trucks, lane departure, warning systems, heavy trucks, scenarios, benefit cost ratio
摘要: This report presents the final results of an independent evaluation of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Mack Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) Field Operational Test (FOT). The IVI is a cooperative effort to conduct FOTs of advanced intelligent vehicle safety systems (IVSS) among the motor carrier industry and four agencies of the USDOT: the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This report summarizes the results of an independent evaluation of the Mack FOT, which was performed under a cooperative agreement with Mack Trucks, Inc., in partnership with McKenzie Tank Lines. The FOT focused on the testing of a lane departure warning system (LDWS). The LDWS is a forward-looking, vision-based system that provides the driver an audible warning of a lane departure situation. Algorithms within the LDWS interpret video images of the lane to estimate the vehicle state (lateral position, speed, heading, etc.) and the road alignment (lane width, road curvature, etc.). By providing lane departure warnings, this system can potentially reduce single-vehicle roadway-departure (SVRD) crashes, rollovers, and lane-change/merge crashes by giving the driver an opportunity to change driving behavior before making a large lane excursion. The primary goals of the independent evaluation included: (1) Achieve an in-depth understanding of system benefits; (2) Obtain measures of driver performance and evaluate user acceptance; (3) Ascertain the performance and capability potential of the LDWS system; (4) Assess product maturity for deployment; and (5) Address institutional and legal issues that might impact deployment. / NOTE: Final rept. Apr 00-Jul 06. / Supplementary Notes: Sponsored by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Washington, DC. / Availability Note: Order this product from NTIS by: phone at 1-800-553-NTIS (U.S. customers); (703)605-6000 (other countries); fax at (703)605-6900; and email at orders@ntis.gov. NTIS is located at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA, 22161, USA.
总页数: u0814;250p
报告类型: 科技报告