原文传递 Environmental Impacts of Airport Operations: Maintenance, and Expansion
题名: Environmental Impacts of Airport Operations: Maintenance, and Expansion
作者: Luther, Linda;
关键词: environmental;maintenance;operation;pans;expa;impact;acts;ansi;port;alternative
摘要: Funding authorization for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) programs set forth in the Vision 100 Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act (P.L. 108-176, hereafter referred to as Vision 100) are set to expire at the end of FY2007. During the current reauthorization process, methods to address the environmental impacts associated with airport operations and expansion are likely to be debated. This issue is important to various stakeholders, particularly those whose health, property values, and quality of life may be affected by such impacts. The concerns of community members and local, state, and tribal agencies regarding environmental impacts have led to the delay and cancellation of some airport expansion projects. To address these concerns, airports may be required to implement projects that would minimize the environmental impacts of their operations. Some of these projects qualify for federal funding. For example, in its FY2008 budget, the FAA requested $354 million to meet its Environmental Stewardship goals. Projects funded under this category address the environmental impacts of airports, primarily to abate airport noise (e.g., soundproofing homes, purchasing noise barriers and monitors, and relocating persons or businesses). Among other uses, funds may be spent on projects to minimize water quality impacts (e.g., funding projects that would control the discharge of deicing chemicals) and to reduce airport-controllable air emissions (e.g., purchasing alternative fuel vehicles to replace the airport's ground services equipment). Funds also are authorized for researching new aircraft technology that would reduce noise and air emissions.
总页数: 20
报告类型: 科技报告