摘要: |
Description: Transit agencies/mobility providers usually utilize time-based and distance-based link-level information in planning their routes and schedules. However, average energy consumption rates (e.g., gallons per mile, kWh per mile) on links of a road network are seldom considered in these planning activities. The major reason is a lack of accurate energy consumption information. For sustainable transportation planning, gathering and analyzing data on energy consumption, particularly considering new alternative vehicle technologies, is needed.
Intellectual Merit: The goal of this project is to develop a high-resolution system-level transportation energy data analysis and prediction framework for transit schedule/operation planning, aimed at improving energy efficiency.
Broader Impacts: The outcomes of this project will be utilized by regional planners or transit/mobility service providers for route/schedule planning and traveler guidance system integration. The goal is to reduce energy consumption, which will benefit transit agencies, transit patrons, and the public.
Technology Transfer Plan: The tangible products of this project will be: 1) tools to estimate link-level transportation energy consumption, and 2) an energy consumption density map. Results will be made available for use by transit agencies/mobility providers. |