Transportdeklaration � Att informera om energianv�ndning och milj�p�verkan fr�n persontransporter
项目名称: Transportdeklaration � Att informera om energianv�ndning och milj�p�verkan fr�n persontransporter
摘要: A Multimodal Transportation Performance Certificate (MTPC) is a way to inform about multimodal passenger transportation, about how well a building or neighborhood is integrated with energy efficient transportation modes (walking, cycling and public transport), to promote fossil fuel free transportation systems and to relate to environmental impacts of transportation and climate change. In this project the MTPC method will be further developed to display energy consumption (kWh/year) and environmental impact (C02 emissions) based on the current modal split forecasting method, location and standard methods of energy calculations for transportation and fuel use. The project will also investigate how energy efficient are different planning scenarios in Stockholm and J�nk�ping like introducing cycleways or regional bus stops, densification and mixing of function, etc.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Energimyndigheten
项目负责人: Stojanovski, Todor
执行机构: Kungliga tekniska h�gskolan
开始时间: 20170901
预计完成日期: 20190831
实际结束时间: 0