Anv�ndning av probabilistiska metoder f�r utv�rdering av milj�p�verkan hos byggnadsverk
项目名称: Anv�ndning av probabilistiska metoder f�r utv�rdering av milj�p�verkan hos byggnadsverk
摘要: The construction and utilization of the transportation network requires energy and materials which have impacts on the environment. Large infrastructure projects use resources very intensively and contribute significantly to environmental emissions. To demonstrate and support sustainability of large-scale infrastructure projects life cycle assessment (LCA) has become a common tool used in the evaluation of environmental impact. LCA is an analytical technique for assessing potential environmental, social, and economic impacts, encompassing all stages of life cycle, from raw material production through end-of-life management. LCA includes a number of phases, which are all associated with uncertainties. Decisions made without regard to these uncertainties may be misleading. The use of reliability and probability based methods together with LCA-tools and methods could therefore help to increase the validity and reliability of the outcome. The main purpose of the proposed project is to develop a framework for reliability/probability-based life cycle assessment (LCA) of infrastructure assets. There are two main objectives in the project; to estimate the validity of results for calculations of environmental impacts and to investigate the possibility of using the developed probability- based framework for LCA as a basis for decisions in infrastructure investments. A reliability/probability-based approach can be valuable when comparing different solutions. Through the study of sensitivity to variation and uncertainties, a probability based method to be used with LCA will be developed. The project work will be executed by researchers at LTH, SP and IVL Svenska Milj�institutet.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Larsson, Oskar
执行机构: Lunds tekniska h�gskola
开始时间: 20150115
预计完成日期: 20161230
实际结束时间: 0