Synthesis of Information Related to Transit Practices. Topic SA-46. Mobile Fare APPs Business Models
项目名称: Synthesis of Information Related to Transit Practices. Topic SA-46. Mobile Fare APPs Business Models
摘要: A mobile fare app is an application that public transit riders use to purchase and access public transportation services. As the number of transit agencies using mobile fare apps increase each year, different business models are being deployed, while costs vary significantly. A transit system that decides that they will include a mobile fare app in their fare payment offering needs to consider the different business models that are available. The objective of this synthesis is to analyze the current business models that transit systems use for the services that they provide. The business models described should include: Type of platform (software as a service, federated platform business services); one-time costs; ongoing costs; Single agency and multi-agencies; Single mode or multi-modes; Public private partnerships; Contract terms (merchant processing, revenue sharing vs. fixed fees, customer support, etc.); Payment methods (credit card, debit card, retail partnerships, etc.); Infrastructure options (onboard validators, flashpass, Be in/Be Out, etc.); Business performance metrics (revenue share, number of downloads, number of ticket sales, number of accounts, etc.); Time to market; and Marketing, penetration and customer satisfaction. In addition, the synthesis should investigate: Suite of products associated with the app ( fare evasion, web sales, traveler tools, etc.); Equity and accessibility; Lessons learned; Program interface (API,SDKs, etc.); and Road map for the future ( integration with mobility services, emerging technologies). Information will be gathered by literature review that includes international sources, and a survey of geographically diverse, large, medium and small transit agencies operating multiple modes and currently utilizing a mobile fare app. At least five case write-ups representing different business models will be developed. The final report will document gaps in knowledge and research needs.
状态: Completed
资金: 45000
资助组织: Federal Transit Administration
项目负责人: Garcia-Colberg, Mariela
执行机构: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
主要研究人员: Brakewood, Candace
开始时间: 20180928
预计完成日期: 20200429
实际结束时间: 20200429