Best Practices and Specifications for Massive Concrete Drilled Shafts
Best Practices and Specifications for Massive Concrete Drilled Shafts
The objectives of this research are:
(1) To understand the implementation, resistance and performance issues with mass concrete drilled shafts through observation and instrumentation of construction sites of Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) or neighboring states bridges and expert interviews.
(2) To quantify the thermal conditions of drilled shafts of various diameters and conditions that are specific to Georgia.
(3) To utilize ongoing thermal research and other states� best practices for application on drilled shafts.
(4) To demonstrate best practices in the laboratory through validation experiments.
(5) To draft recommended practices for GDOT drilled shaft specifications thus promoting use in practice while increasing performance reliability. Specifically, the team will address the confidence in utilizing the current six-foot diameter determination for classification of the drilled shaft.