Measuring Dispersal and Tracking of Anti-Icing and Deicing Chemicals using In-Situ Hyperspectral Data � Phase II: In-Situ Terrestrial Field Data Collection
项目名称: Measuring Dispersal and Tracking of Anti-Icing and Deicing Chemicals using In-Situ Hyperspectral Data � Phase II: In-Situ Terrestrial Field Data Collection
摘要: The objectives of Phase II of this project are threefold. First, develop a robust in-field sampling plan to measure anti-icing and deicing chemical concentrations under varied environmental, geometric and volumetric conditions. Second, conduct the field data collection. Third, develop and conduct a robust sampling strategy to quantify the amount of anti-icing and deicing chemical loss due to imposed processes. Lastly, use these findings to inform and improve winter maintenance efforts and strategies. The results and deliverables of this research will demonstrate broader applicability of hyperspectral sensing technologies in the field of transportation. The findings of this research serve to quantify the amount and nature of imposed loss of anti-icing and deicing chemicals and might provide information that can be used to better inform winter maintenance efforts and activities. This will improve the efforts of DOT�s and other municipalities to effectively manage and mitigate the effects of winter precipitation events. In turn, this will directly improve winter mobility of our highway systems.
状态: Active
资金: 134000
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: University of Alaska Fairbanks
项目负责人: Belz, Nathan
执行机构: University of Alaska Fairbanks
主要研究人员: Belz, Nathan
开始时间: 20180816
预计完成日期: 20200815
实际结束时间: 0