摘要: |
A large number of transportation agencies across the US use Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) to display traffic-related information to motorists, such as travel times, lane closures, traffic updates, roadwork warnings, traffic crashes, inclement weather information, etc. Recently, several agencies have gone even further and started using behavioral traffic safety messages in an effort to grab motorists� attention, raise awareness, and change their behavior. Although these messages seem to gain approval from the public, no study has been done to evaluate how effective these are in actually raising public awareness, changing behavior, and promoting safety. As such, the goal of this project is to investigate how entertaining non-traffic related messages influence driver behavior. The objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of message signs that include nontraffic related content (usually entertaining) on the behavior of the drivers. A survey study and a driving simulator study will be used to perform the evaluation. The findings of this study will help KDOT and local transportation partners identify the DMS content that is considered effective and efficient for promoting safety and changing driver behavior. |