TRC1905 - Implementing CPT Procedures in ARDOT Geotechnical Designs
项目名称: TRC1905 - Implementing CPT Procedures in ARDOT Geotechnical Designs
摘要: The overarching objective of this research effort is to examine the applicability of using cone penetration test (CPT) to reduce uncertainties associated with geotechnical subsurface investigations. The main goal of this project is to review and implement comprehensive CPT-based geotechnical design procedures for site exploration, interpretation of soil behavior, and design of shallow/deep foundations and embankments in Arkansas. Work Plan will include conducting a literature search, collecting field testing procedures, conducting the field tests (six sites), analyzing resulting CPT data, and applying results to specific geotechnical design. Tasks will be performed by Research Section personnel with the help of Materials Division. The research project is broken into two phases. Phase 1 will mostly cover Year 1 of the project and will introduce CPT rig and its in-field operations to ARDOT personnel involved with this study. Phase 2 will cover Year 2 of the project and will deal with developing best practice for CPT field testing and CPT Geotechnical designs.
状态: Active
资金: 204024
资助组织: Federal Highway Administration
管理组织: Arkansas Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Caster, William
执行机构: Arkansas Department of Transportation
主要研究人员: Caster, William
开始时间: 20180701
预计完成日期: 20200630
实际结束时间: 0