Expanding landowner adoption of snow control measures to improve public safety and achieve cost savings through a better understanding of landowner knowledge, attitudes, and practices
Expanding landowner adoption of snow control measures to improve public safety and achieve cost savings through a better understanding of landowner knowledge, attitudes, and practices
The overall goal is to reduce blowing and drifting snow problems and associated costs in the state and improve public safety through an effective outreach program to landowners and the subsequent adoption of snow control measures by landowners. The project has several objectives: 1) to carry out focus groups in four regions of the state selected to represent different landowner conditions; 2) based on the focus group meetings, to design and carry out a landowner KAP (knowledge, attitudes and practices) survey; 3) to implement a snow fence promotional program; 4) to carry out a post-promotion KAP study to measure changes in landowner knowledge, attitudes and practices; and 5) based on the results KAP study, to design an outreach plan that addresses landowner constraints and positive attitudes towards snow control to promote greater adoption of snow fences to achieve the associated public safety benefits and cost savings.