Strengthening existing and facilitating new Vision Zero plans
项目名称: Strengthening existing and facilitating new Vision Zero plans
摘要: One important policy tool that municipalities, counties, or other entities can use is the development, adoption, and implementation of a Vision Zero plan. A Vision Zero plan is a public document that provides the vision for future efforts to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries to zero. Vision Zero planning could be enhanced through guidance on developing a high-quality plan. This project seeks to accomplish the following aims: Aim 1: Develop a guidance document on high quality Vision Zero plan components with expert input. Identifying features of good plans is important because new plans and plan updates can benefit from this information by making adjustments and including these components. High quality plans are hypothesized to be more likely to positively influence desired outcomes. Aim 2: Complete an inventory of existing Vision Zero plans. Aim 3: Compare the elements abstracted from Vision Zero plans to the high-quality elements identified by the group of experts. Aim 4: Make recommendations and disseminate the findings to existing Vision Zero plan holders. The research team will identify elements of high quality and highlight those for other municipalities to use as examples when developing their own plan. Additionally, the team will make recommendations and disseminate the findings to existing plan holders that can be implemented as they update their plans. Aim 5: Develop a toolkit to assist future plan makers that will include examples of high quality elements from Vison Zero plans across the US. In summary, the products developed from this project can directly positively impact the creation of new Vision Zero plans and assist municipalities as they update current Vision Zero plans. It is reasonable to expect that higher quality plans will create more positive impacts on crash fatalities and injuries.
状态: Active
资金: $190,594
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety
项目负责人: Sandt, Laura
执行机构: University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center
主要研究人员: Naumann, Rebecca
开始时间: 20180501
预计完成日期: 20200731
实际结束时间: 0