Structural Vulnerability of Coastal Bridges under Extreme Hurricane Conditions
项目名称: Structural Vulnerability of Coastal Bridges under Extreme Hurricane Conditions
摘要: The strategies adopted to cope with extreme hurricane and tsunami events in the United States have been reactive rather than proactive. While reactive actions are necessary after extreme events, the frequency and intensity of recent hurricanes demonstrated the need for taking proactive actions to prevent major damages. A crucial step toward addressing this need is to accurately quantify the vulnerability of coastal infrastructure to extreme hurricane storms. Hence, the main goal of this project is to evaluate the structural vulnerability of coastal bridge structures to hydrodynamic loads generated under extreme hurricane conditions along the Texas-Louisiana coastline. This research will analyze the most common bridge types (i.e. several girder bridge configurations) with the aim of identifying structures that are most and least resilient to hurricane waves and storm surge. Finite element based simulations will be conducted to quantify the magnitude of the hydrodynamic loads under different hurricane sea states. Vulnerability curves will be developed to assess the potential damage of the bridge structures to specified hurricane scenarios. This information will be used to design and propose strategies that minimize structural damage during an extreme hurricane event, e.g. connections that prevent unseating of the superstructure.
状态: Completed
资金: 100000
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
项目负责人: Dessouky, Samer
执行机构: University of Texas, San Antonio
主要研究人员: Testik, Firat
开始时间: 20180315
预计完成日期: 20190915
实际结束时间: 20190915