Health Perception on the Adoption and Acceptance of Shared Mobility: From Now to Future
项目名称: Health Perception on the Adoption and Acceptance of Shared Mobility: From Now to Future
摘要: The study will focus on establishing the link between transportation choices, self-assessed health and body mass index (BMI). It will identify measures of health perception, health self-assessment as ways of collecting information predicting travel behavior focused on shared mobility systems. It aims to explore the method of developing health perception and self-assessment metric in a setting of transportation decisions. The project�s objective is to better understand how health perception and self-assessment affects the choice of using bike sharing systems and how it affects acceptance of SAV as well as to understand if the usage of bike sharing system leads to the favor of adoption of SAV. If the link between the self-assessed heath, height, weight and/or BMI is determined to be significant, health variables may become standard in mode choice and travel behavior analysis in the future.
状态: Completed
资金: 48013
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
项目负责人: Kline, Robin
执行机构: University of South Florida, Tampa
主要研究人员: Lewis Jr, Neil A
开始时间: 20171001
预计完成日期: 20180930
实际结束时间: 20180930