State of Knowledge on Alcohol and Driving
项目名称: State of Knowledge on Alcohol and Driving
摘要: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration often prepares literature reviews on behavioral safety topics. These State of Knowledge (SOK) reviews are critical for updating knowledge of an issue. They also serve as resources in traffic safety, including for other federal agencies, state governments, advocates, researchers, and the public. Many become significant reference documents.This project will produce an updated SOK report on alcohol and driving containing 60 years of research on the topic.
状态: Active
资金: 326000
资助组织: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
管理组织: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
项目负责人: Berning, Amy
执行机构: Westat, Incorporated
主要研究人员: Berning, Amy
开始时间: 20170928
预计完成日期: 20210930
实际结束时间: 0