Synthesis of Alternate Reinforcements for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance in TxDOT Bridges
项目名称: Synthesis of Alternate Reinforcements for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance in TxDOT Bridges
摘要: The corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete is the leading cause of deterioration for reinforced concrete structures, especially bridges. Practitioners and researchers have evaluated and implemented various technologies to combat this problem, including the use of high-performance concrete, chemical corrosion inhibitors, sealers and barriers, and alternative reinforcement. This project will address the latter, specifically the use of alternative reinforcement (e.g., fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement, epoxycoated steel, stainless steel, galvanized steel, etc.) to extend the service life of bridge structures subjected to external chlorides from marine environments or from de-icing salt applications. The primary goals of this project will be to (a) review and synthesize published literature, (b) review and synthesize current DOT practice, and (c) provide recommendations on how to evaluate and select alternative reinforcement for bridges subjected to external chlorides. It is important to note that this project will cover both materials and structural aspects associated with alternative reinforcement as these two facets are intimately linked. This project will ultimately provide technical recommendations needed to design and construct bridges that are structurally sound, taking into account the unique behaviour of alternative reinforcement, and that will meet or exceed the intended service life of a given bridge structure.
状态: Completed
资金: $64950
资助组织: Texas Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Glancy, Chris
执行机构: Center for Transportation Research
主要研究人员: Folliard, Kevin J
开始时间: 20170901
预计完成日期: 20180831
实际结束时间: 0