项目名称: |
Characterization of Underserved Population Perceptions and Mobility Needs in Connected-Vehicle and Smarter City Environments |
摘要: |
Connected-vehicle and smarter city environments have the potential of transforming the transportation system. The increased number of on-demand mobility options and the information available to travelers has created a new dynamic in unlimited opportunities. Cities across the nation are developing new smart city initiatives to integrate open data with new transportation systems so that people can move more freely in their communities. These technologies will operate our surface transportation systems at maximum safety and efficiency. However, as technological innovation continues to progress at light speed, the country�s underserved communities are increasingly left behind.
The objective of this PacTrans outreach effort is to better understand and characterize underserved populations perceptions about mobility needs in connected and smarter city environments. The PacTrans outreach project team, in partnership with stakeholders from a variety of underserved populations, will conduct extensive outreach activities in the form of focus group meetings, interviews, and presentations to educate targeted underserved communities about the different mobility options in connected vehicle and smart-city environments and gather information about their mobility needs and perceptions about new mobility opportunities. |
状态: |
Active |
资金: |
175000 |
资助组织: |
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology |
管理组织: |
University of Idaho, Moscow |
项目负责人: |
Abdel-Rahim, Ahmed |
执行机构: |
University of Washington, Seattle |
主要研究人员: |
Hajbabaie, Ali |
开始时间: |
20170815 |
预计完成日期: |
20190816 |
实际结束时间: |
0 |