项目名称: |
Enhanced Assessment of Projected Landslide Activity under Precipitation and Seismicity |
摘要: |
This research study aims to identify landslide hot spots along lifeline routes to maximize long-range planning efforts in consideration of seismic and climatic events and focus mitigation accordingly. This proposed work is unique and builds upon previous advances in assessing landslide hazards by coupling consideration of extreme precipitation events and emerging methods for landslide age dating, forensic analyses, and seismic modeling. The synthesis of these Oregon-specific components enables development of a hot spot mapping procedure that identifies landslide activity in context of their seismic and climactic history. |
状态: |
Active |
资金: |
425090 |
资助组织: |
Federal Highway Administration |
管理组织: |
Oregon Department of Transportation |
项目负责人: |
Glover-Cutter, Kira |
执行机构: |
Oregon State University, Corvallis |
主要研究人员: |
Olsen, Michael J |
开始时间: |
20170707 |
预计完成日期: |
20210630 |
实际结束时间: |
0 |