Evaluation of Current WI Mixes Using Performance Engineered Mixtures Testing Protocols
Evaluation of Current WI Mixes Using Performance Engineered Mixtures Testing Protocols
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) legislation contains an area that focuses on pavement performance and implementation of Performance Engineered Mixture (PEM) for public agencies and industry. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has been working with state departments of transportation (DOTs) and industry to develop and deploy standard specifications for Performance Engineered Concrete Pavement Mixture, but currently there is a significant barrier due to the lack of effective test methods that assess the ability of a concrete mixture to resist the environment to which it is exposed. New methods have been developed and need to be evaluated on current Wisconsin concrete mixtures.
The project will use performance-based testing methods on current Wisconsin mixes and collect a comprehensive database of results on several Wisconsin mix designs. The research team will assess how they compare to proposed Performance Engineered Mixture (PEM) specifications. The objectives of this project are to: A) Perform field-testing of fresh concrete at the plant and in front and behind the paver using PEM test methods. B) Perform lab testing on hardened concrete specimens using PEM test methods. C) Evaluate how current Wisconsin mix designs fit into the proposed PEM specification.