Energilagringsystem och plugin hybrid fartyg
项目名称: Energilagringsystem och plugin hybrid fartyg
摘要: The choice of future energy sources for the shipping industry is far from straightforward. Rapid technological developments, changes in regulations for emissions and changing fuel costs, while the depreciation times are long, creates great uncertainty with regard to future investments in new fuels that can be used for marine propulsion. In this rapidly changing market, it is important to develop a perspective on how various energy sources will be developed from a cost, availability and environmental point of view, and what actions we can do now to create opportunities for the future. Stena did a strategic review with the help of an external consultant, McKinsey, in spring 2016 with the ambition to analyze the development of relevant technologies and fuels for shipping. It includes both a review of the current situation and outlook for the next 15-20 years for alternative fuel sources. The key findings from this review is that, based on today�s best understanding of future market, electric propulsion can very well be a cost effective alternative for short sea shipping in 10-15 years' time. It is our view that the disruptive development of electric vehicles can provide a similar development for the marine industry. This can then drastically reduce emissions from the ferry- and Ro-Ro shipping. Over the past six years, the cost of batteries has fallen by 11 % per year, and this trend is predicted to continue for several years as a large-scale battery industry with new refined technology is being es-tablished. At the moment the batteries to ships are about three times more expensive than those for cars due to higher demands on the number of charging cycles mm. The gap should be reduced when the interest for this energy storage increases. Today, the vessels operate with sub-optimal load on the main and auxiliary machinery during much of the time period (about 40 percent) which gives a great potential for saving energy by so-called "peak shaving". This project aims to use a battery bank of 1,000 kWh to take care of peak loads and thereby run fewer auxiliary engines at optimum load. The battery system (ESS Energy Storage System) will be in-stalled on board the Stena Jutlandica, which operates the route Gothenburg - Frederikshavn, and be connected to the main board as an extra auxiliary engine. The system will then be evaluated to provide knowledge and experience for future new buildings. The system has three functions: 1. The port operation; run thrusters with power from the battery bank 2. Be a back-up to the auxiliary engines when running the archipelago, and 3. to ensure that the auxiliary engines are running optimally, "peak shaving" in all operation. We expect to reduce CO2 emissions by about 1,500 tons per year, equivalent to the emissions from 600 cars. The batteries will be recharged from the existing shore power connections in Gothenburg. Frederikshavn is planning to install shore power, which allows charging also in Frederikshavn. Renewable energy is available both in Sweden and Denmark.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Wimby, Per
执行机构: Stena Rederi AB
开始时间: 20170501
预计完成日期: 20181231
实际结束时间: 0