摘要: |
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) has embarked on a Transportation Asset Management Program (TAMP) that focuses on system preservation. Part of the focus points of this program is the cleaning of the state's underdrains. This cleaning is important for the preservation of the pavement to extend its life as long as possible. Currently, ODOT uses a self-propelled "Vactor-Jet" for clearing and cleaning Small diameter pipes and underdrains. This piece of equipment is large and requires lane/shoulder closures to use. It cannot be driven off the pavement due to its weight. It is also expensive, which prohibits purchase of more than one or two. This limits the use due to mobilization and need to share. The "Vactor-Jet" type of equipment also has vacuum ability which is not always needed.
Phase one of this research conducted an in depth analysis of ODOT's current practice of clearing and cleaning of pipe and underdrains and provided recommendations on how to improve safety, production and cost effectiveness. The goal of Phase 2 of the research is to provide ODOT with the best practice for cleaning underdrains and other pipes when a vacuum is not needed by fabricating a modified cleaning system (MCS) that meets the requirements provided by ODOT, evaluating the effectiveness of the MCS at cleaning pipes and underdrains, to provide an economic evaluation of the MCS, and recommend a final implementation plan for the new system. |