Instrumentering och m�tning av krafter och r�relser vid djup kohesionsp�lning
项目名称: Instrumentering och m�tning av krafter och r�relser vid djup kohesionsp�lning
摘要: In connection with the execution of the planned tunnel foundation in Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) project E45, Lilla Bommen-Gullberg there will be instrumentation in the clay to measure forces and movements in long piles (about 65 m) and pore pressure and movements in the soil next. In one section of the tunnel there will be installed swinging strings in three piles and pore pressure points in soil. The purpose of the instrumentation of piles and soil is to obtain a basis for examining and investigating: geotechnical load-bearing capacity for long piles in clay and compare with Swedish practice (Total stress analysis); if geotechnical load-bearing capacity can be better analyzed through effective stress analysis; how the load distribution takes place in the piles; semi forces the size and location along the pile; large-scale effects of stress changes and pore pressure decreases in depth due to unloading and dewatering; time courses of heaving and settlement. The measurement results willbe used in future research and developments.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Tremblay, Marius
执行机构: Tyrens AB
开始时间: 20170201
预计完成日期: 20201231
实际结束时间: 0