Effekter av samverkande trafiksignaler
项目名称: Effekter av samverkande trafiksignaler
摘要: Traffic signals are one of the oldest and most widely used intelligent transport systems. They are used in most cities to control and control traffic flows at intersections. By integrating traditional traffic signals with so-called collaborative systems, where vehicles and infrastructure can exchange information through some type of communication, one would be able to optimize traffic signals based on e.g. traffic flow, priority of a particular type of vehicle, turning points, etc. Amsterdam Group introduced Signal Phase and Time (SPAT) and Map Data (MAP) based on traffic signals together with collaborative systems. The purpose of SPAT is to inform drivers about the status and status change for traffic signals ahead; red / green / yellow, time to next shift, time period when next shift is active etc. The MAP application is used to describe the geometry of one or more previous intersections. The systems have many important target areas, such as increased safety and efficiency, and reduced environmental impact. There are a few field trials with SPAT/MAP. However, there are still no results from the trials. As highlighted by the Amsterdam Group many cities around Europe still await evidence that collaborative systems can increase the benefit of the traffic signals implemented today before they want to implement a large-scale deployment of the systems. The biggest reason for this is the high costs associated with the implementation and maintenance of the systems. CEN / ISO has launched a comprehensive standardization work of SPAT/MAP which highlights the importance of systems at European level. The result of the standardization work should result in clear guidelines for the design of the systems. The overall objective of the project is to identify and estimate the benefits of collaborative traffic signals (e.g. SPAT/MAP) by: Identify relevant and interesting control schedules based on available knowledge of existing traffic signals and interoperable systems; implement identified collaborative control schedules / schedules in a traffic simulation environment to evaluate the different features of the system; provide suggestions for control schedules that are adapted to Swedish conditions; evaluate whether and how collaborative traffic signals should be implemented to optimize efficiency on Swedish roads.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Grumert, Ellen
执行机构: Statens v�g- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI)
开始时间: 20161201
预计完成日期: 20181201
实际结束时间: 0