摘要: |
We need tools to be able to compare different contractors, and to enable contractors to see how various measures affect the climate impact. The Nordic countries have largely similar conditions in terms of road construction, raw materials and machinery. The contractors are often Nordic and work across borders, so it would be useful if road authorities and contractors can use the same tools, regardless of what country they operate in. We therefore wish to further develop and link the respective Nordic tools, and create national adaptations. For late project stages (designing, contracting and constructing), Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) has developed EKA which calculates CO2 emissions from asphalt production. Statens vegvesen (Norwegian Public Roads Aministration) has developed VegLCA. VegLCA has a broader scope then EKA (f.e. earthworks), but is too rough to be used for asphalt works. For early project stages (planning), Trafikverket has developed Klimatkalkyl for monitoring CO2 in projects and Geokalkyl which provides information on cut and fill masses and reinforcement methods. Statens vegvesen uses EFFEKT, which is well used in the organization. In addition, inspiration for improvement and adjustment can be found in several models developed in European (CEDR) relationship with Norway, Sweden and Denmark as participants. Good tools contribute to: Increased knowledge; better planning and decisions with socio economic benefit; possibility to set goals and possibility to provide flexibility for contractors. Possible applications of the tools: Environmental budget to be used by NRA internally; tender procedures (requirement or award criterion) and accounting for environment after/during construction. Project goals are: Experience feedback of existing governance and management. Effects of using the different tools: do they lead to other choices making climate impact benefits? Can they serve as tools in public procurement? Can data sets and information be exchanged and transferred in a chain of different actors (client, designer, contractor, material producer). Taking advantage of each other's tools; To adapt existing tools to the conditions in the various countries; To compare existing tools and define the strengths and scope of application; Workshops with contractors and consultants on the Nordic market. |