Tillst�ndsbeskrivning av v�gmarkeringar i Danmark, Norge och Sverige
项目名称: Tillst�ndsbeskrivning av v�gmarkeringar i Danmark, Norge och Sverige
摘要: The visibility of a road marking is dependent of its retroreflectivity. Therefore, in order to ensure good visibility, there is a need of adequate maintenance routines. Furthermore, the road marking material must be of high quality, i.e. being resistant against wear from the traffic. One way to find out if today�s road markings fulfil the driver's needs is to carry out state assessment regularly. Such an assessment involves mobile measurement of the performance of a large number of road marking objects, chosen by random. The retroreflectivity, the effective road marking area and the state of wear is a measure of the road marking visibility and will be the dependent variable in the study. Independent variables are country, geographical region within one country and average daily traffic (ADT). Measurements will be accomplished in Denmark, Norway and Sweden who are involved in the study. The result will show if the retroreflectivity complies with the requirements in the regulations. Furthermore, differences in road marking quality between countries and between geographical regions within one country can be studied. Each year the results will be discussed in a work-shop. At this meeting the road keepers of the three countries can learn from each other in order to solve any possible problems regarding the road marking performance.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Lundmark, Jan-Erik
执行机构: NordFoU
开始时间: 20161001
预计完成日期: 20211231
实际结束时间: 0