Tillst�ndsbed�mning av asfalt och betong genom rullande
项目名称: Tillst�ndsbed�mning av asfalt och betong genom rullande
摘要: The future of non-destructive testing lies in the ability to efficiently generate surface waves in structures without contact and without disrupting traffic. New methods for assessing the condition of roads must be able to measure the fundamental material properties of the respective 2 (10) layers that are used in pavement design (dynamic modulus and thickness). The research team behind this application is currently among the leaders in the development of contactless measurement of dynamic modulus and thickness of asphalt and concrete. The speed of rolling measurements (~1 km/h) is currently limited by the need for a mechanical impulse source for generating seismic surface waves in the pavement. The purpose and the main idea of this project is to develop a non-contact acoustic source (speaker type) for the generation of surface waves in the pavement. This development opens up for full speed (~100 km/h) rolling profiling measurements. A high measurement speed means that measurements can be performed directly from a vehicle at normal speed, and thus will not disrupt traffic. The project is well defined to the development of a unique new source for non-contact seismic measurements. The implementation is divided into five different stages; literature review, numerical simulation, laboratory measurements, field measurements and final report writing. The project has great potential to contribute to the development of a new Swedish world-class innovation for assessing the condition of roads and other infrastructure. Through close collaboration between the LTH, KTH, Peab and the Swedish Transport Administration, the technique can be tested in real projects and thus contribute to an effective future implementation.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Ryden, Nils
执行机构: Lunds tekniska h�gskola
开始时间: 20161015
预计完成日期: 20191231
实际结束时间: 0