BBT Autonom icke-inkr�ktande tillst�ndsbed�mning av infrastruktur
项目名称: BBT Autonom icke-inkr�ktande tillst�ndsbed�mning av infrastruktur
摘要: UNICA project aims to implement, validate and demonstrate an intervention-oriented Autonomous Non-Intrusive Condition Assessment � UNICA � process together with practical implementation guidelines in order to improve the current practices for monitoring and predicting the performance of the aging infrastructure and to enable the transition from current traditional practices to methods with a larger degree of automation and system thinking. The core concept is the optimized/customized integration of three technical platforms. 1. Inspection: autonomous inspection methods, using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to minimize intrusion on the transport flow, cover large inspection areas in a minimum of time, access to hard-to-reach areas and minimize exposure to safety hazards for both inspectors and users. 2. Interpretation: automated vision-based data collection and interpretation methods to detect and quantify geometrical and visual anomalies in 3D both on the Surface (cracking and spalling) and subsurface of reinforced concrete infrastructure. 3. Prediction: advanced structural simulation combined with deterioration models to leverage the damage detected during inspection and interpretation for a reliable performance prediction. UNICA will lead to a safer, quicker and more accurate method for condition assessment of infrastructure ensuring resource-efficiency, accessibility, cost-effectiveness, safety and societal benefits. The multi-disciplinary nature of the proposed solution is fulfilled by leveraging transsectorial collaboration between industries, research institutes, universities, and infrastructure owners.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Zandi, Kamyab
执行机构: Chalmers tekniska h�gskola AB
开始时间: 20170515
预计完成日期: 20171215
实际结束时间: 0