BBT Vidareutveckling av f�rebyggande brounderh�ll - f�rstudie
项目名称: BBT Vidareutveckling av f�rebyggande brounderh�ll - f�rstudie
摘要: Experience from other areas shows that preventive maintenance not only prolongs life but also improves the function during the usage phase. The hypothesis is that an improved bridge maintenance would provide bridges with longer life and better performance characteristics at limited cost. Preventive bridge maintenence is about supposedly simple things such as flushing of edge beams, ensuring the function of the drainage system, vegetation control, smoothing bumps in the overburden, repairing cracks and small repairs of the guard rails. There is no research that shows whether the current measures leads to improvements and whether other measures would be better. We do not know in detail how and when the measures should be carried out and how they should be followed up. What incentives are there for the person responsible for the maintenence to implement and further develop measures? The pilot study includes careful review and analysis of the technical requirements and the maintenance measures the Swedish Transport Administration sets and suggest preventive bridge maintenence.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Silfwerbrand, Johan
执行机构: Kungliga tekniska h�gskolan
开始时间: 20161011
预计完成日期: 20171231
实际结束时间: 0