BBT F�r�ndring av kravst�llning f�r rostskyddsm�lning av st�lkonstruktioner
项目名称: BBT F�r�ndring av kravst�llning f�r rostskyddsm�lning av st�lkonstruktioner
摘要: The aim of the project is to provide a basis for a change in the Swedish Transport Administration's (TRV) current requirements in the field of anti-corrosion painting of steel structures. The aim is to increase the possibility of using more modern, more environmentally-friendly paint/corrosion protection systems - and possibly with lower overall costs - without impairing the quality of corrosion protection. Within the project, the consequences will be investigated when transitioning from today's execution based requirements to functional requirements. The performance requirements today are based on old color systems and processes, which complicates the use of newly developed, more environmentally adapted systems and processes for corrosion protection. The project will highlight the pros and cons of such a transition from a technical and environmental perspective. In addition, a requirement profile will be developed to formulate proposals for new functional requirements to ensure that future anti-corrosion coating provides at least as good anti-corrosion protection as the current painting systems does. The project is divided into four parts. The first part is, among other things, to collect experience from other actors/authorities, chart relevant standards and see which protection systems meet TRV's current technical requirements. The second part involves an investigation of TRV's current claim and how this affects technology, environment, aesthetics and procurement. Part three is about preparing proposals for new requirements - functional requirements but also execution requirements where they are deemed necessary - ensuring longevity and product choice principle etc. The fourth part concerns analysis of environmental impact and costs (LCA and LCC respectively) according to the proposed requirements. The Swedish Transport Administration has granted financial resources for the project's first two parts above (preliminary study). These parts of the project have been completed in autumn 2015 and spring 2016 and report is available. This BBT project applies to Part 3 and Part 4 above, as well as report writing (Part 5).
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Sandberg, Bertil
执行机构: Swerea KIMAB AB
开始时间: 20170515
预计完成日期: 20180615
实际结束时间: 0