BBT �vervakning som ett verktyg f�r optimal f�rvaltning av riskbroar
项目名称: BBT �vervakning som ett verktyg f�r optimal f�rvaltning av riskbroar
摘要: Monitoring has been employed in the past as a tool to study critical bridges in Sweden and abroad. For example, in the last decade KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) has been involved in large scale bridge monitoring projects on G�ta�lv Bridge, S�derstr�m Bridge, High Coast Suspension Bridge, Essinge Bridge, Liding� bridge, �lvsborg Bridge, �land Bridge and New Svinesund Bridge. These studies have normally been initiated with the purpose of investigating a specific problem, to better understand a specific aspect of the behaviour of the structure or in order to validate design assumptions and models. In addition, several theoretical studies have been performed at KTH with the aim of detecting structural damages by monitoring changes in the bridges dynamic response. The developed vibration-based damage identification methods appear to be very promising. However, these studies have so far been theoretical and at present there are still major challenges to tackle before they can be implemented on a real bridge. The project focuses on bridges which have shown from inspections to be in a bad functional condition. The aim is to develop and test a new monitoring based method for evaluating the condition of critical bridges. The potential of a model-free method will be evaluated. Novel structural health monitoring approaches based on machine learning techniques and statistical pattern recognition will be implemented. To enhance the bridge management process, the project will also develop a technique to study how realtime data can be used to plan inspection intervals. An efficient maintenance program can extend the lifetime of a structure while reducing future costs related to significant repair or potential failure. Concepts like the life-cycle cost, target reliability, time interval between inspections and repairs and the quality of these processes must be regarded when defining an optimal methodology for planning the inspection and repair strategy of structural systems. A trade-off between higher reliability and minimum expected total cost exists and the task becomes to minimize the life-cycle cost of the target structure whilst ensuring an acceptable reliability level to the structure, during its lifetime. The expected impact of this project is reduced inspection cost and prolonged use of existing bridges and thus reduced traffic disturbance. Altogether, this will lead to reduced LCC and LCA of bridges.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Karoumi, Raid
执行机构: Kungliga tekniska h�gskolan
开始时间: 20170515
预计完成日期: 20191201
实际结束时间: 0