Verktyg f�r projektering av geotekniska �tg�rder ur ett livscykelkostnadsperspektiv
项目名称: Verktyg f�r projektering av geotekniska �tg�rder ur ett livscykelkostnadsperspektiv
摘要: Project aims. The goal of the project is to develop a decision tool for sustainable design of geotechnical structures by minimising total costs during the entire life cycle. To achieve this requires a holistic approach to how the life cycle influences the design process, where design decisions are made from a risk perspective. The project aims to increase the understanding by interacting with and take in the experience of the life cycle. Project methodology: The project is implemented as a senior research project at KTH Division of Soil and Rock mechanics. The work includes developing a decision tool based on a theoretical framework for cost optimization of maintenance. The framework will be based on a combination of decision theory and probabilistic assessment of the safety of the design. A general framework, showing how the optimal choice of a design is affected by both the probability of failure of the structure and the cost of any measures to reduce this probability, have recently been developed at KTH (Spross & Johansson, 2016, sent to J Structural Safety). The proposed project will be a development of the framework. The development means that suitability of design and maintenance is assessed both from a risk perspective and a life cycle perspective.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Spross, Johan
执行机构: Kungliga tekniska h�gskolan
开始时间: 20161015
预计完成日期: 20190331
实际结束时间: 0