Microsimulation of the Impact of Access Management Practices to Pedestrian Operations
项目名称: Microsimulation of the Impact of Access Management Practices to Pedestrian Operations
摘要: The study applied microsimulation to analyze the impact of access management (AM) to the operational performances of vehicles and pedestrians. A conceptual model was developed in VISSIM and VISWALK to examine the effect of access and signals density on different median types to the travel speed, travel time, delay and stopping. Access density, signal density, and presence of median were simulated in a scenario base analysis. The model scenarios shifted through changing both access density and signal density with no median, raised median and TWLT lane to provide interactions of arterial corridors in Nashville. The effect of access density on speed, delay and travel time was very vivid for the vehicles within the corridors showing speed decreasing with the increase in access density while delay increased and the number of stops increased. Additionally, as signal density increased, a decreasing pattern in corridor vehicle speed was observed. Pedestrian performances changes were less dramatic indicating that access density had a minimal effect on the pedestrian speed operations. The same trend was observed on signal density which affected pedestrian speed by a small decrease as signal density increased. The findings may provide useful understanding to state policy makers in implementing Access Management guidelines.
状态: Completed
资金: 120000
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: Western Michigan University
项目负责人: Dunn, Denise E
执行机构: Tennessee State University
主要研究人员: Chimba, Deo
开始时间: 20160901
预计完成日期: 20171231
实际结束时间: 20171231