Benchmarking av incitamentsmodell kopplad till Basunderh�llskontrakt j�rnv�g
项目名称: Benchmarking av incitamentsmodell kopplad till Basunderh�llskontrakt j�rnv�g
摘要: The project intends to develop a comprehensive and systematic approach to incentives in railway maintenance contracts. This will be done by benchmarking with the Netherlands, who are considered progressive within railway maintenance contracts. As well as evaluation of current incentive model of the Finnish Transport Agency. The model will link together all relevant parts in a contractual relationship that without detailed requirements from the client, gives the supplier motivation to develop new methods and procedures to maintain the infrastructure in an efficient manner over a life cycle.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Laine, Johanna
执行机构: The Boston Consulting Group Nordic AB
开始时间: 20160830
预计完成日期: 20161031
实际结束时间: 0