Verklighetslabb digital j�rnv�g
项目名称: Verklighetslabb digital j�rnv�g
摘要: The railway is a mode of transport that is of great national and European importance. Therefore, it is important that it is economically sustainable. This means that the railway customers will perceive that it is competitive regarding reliability and price, so they choose the safest option. Traditionally, railways as well as its operation and maintenance, is very conservative. Although Sweden has a liberalized and competitive railway, it is a challenge to improve the level of innovation and application of new technologies. There are good ideas and initiatives on research and demonstrator level, but it is too rare that they are implemented. Trafikverket participate, as responsible for traffic management and administration of the state's rail infrastructure, in a number of activities relating to seize the opportunities that increased digitization offers. Examples are programs and projects like I2R, 2R, 4R at European level and ePilot and Test Bed Railway at national level. However, there is a lack of a structure to support the final steps before implementation and application. The creation of a Reality Lab opens up Trafikverket's business of digitized information, combined with the physical railway infrastructure in Test Bed Railway on the Iron ore line and the Haparanda line (with extreme climate and traffic conditions, as well as new plant with ERTMS), the traffic control centre in Boden (with advanced traffic management systems and simulator), regional office in Lule� (broad and deep railway-knowledge), research and training facilities at Lule� railway technology centre (JVTC), as well as new and innovative information logistics solutions at the eMaintenance LAB creates a unique and world-leading environment for digitalized railway.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: S�derholm, Peter
执行机构: Trafikverket, Sweden
开始时间: 20170501
预计完成日期: 20191031
实际结束时间: 0