摘要: |
Long distance travel is defined as a person's trip that exceeds 50 miles. This research project will propose to use data from the California Household Travel Survey (CHTS) to develop profiles of long distance travel in California at different geographical scales to be used in a variety of planning activities. Using population synthesis this project will first create an inventory of long distance travel and estimate statewide vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and out of state VMT by all modes. In parallel, the project will develop methods to complement the CHTS trip records with data about origins and destinations as well as access and egress trip legs to major stations of the long haul trips. Then, single equation and structural equation analyses are employed to identify the determinants of long distance travel and correlate it to both origins and destinations. Procedures are also created to associate data drawn from social media with the places that serve as origins and destinations of long distance trips. To achieve this, the project will process spatial information at multiple scales and explore frequency and duration of trips, selection of the days on which to travel, scheduling to a specific time of day, destination choice, and mode choice. The project will also test sensitivity to demographic characteristics of travelers and attractiveness of destinations. A plan to create an observatory for ongoing data collection of this type is also created in this project. |