Integrerade mobilitetstj�nster � systematisk omv�rldsbevakning
项目名称: Integrerade mobilitetstj�nster � systematisk omv�rldsbevakning
摘要: Integrated mobility services (also called Mobility as a Service, combined mobility services, etc.) means that in one and the same service connects several ways to move (e.g. carpool, bus, light rail, commuter rail, bicycle hire, private vehicles) while offer payment, and information on, transport through a single interface. The project aims to conduct systematic monitoring based on a broad, public transportation-related perspective and with an approach that gives us greater understanding of the market and policy development in the area. Business intelligence includes an analytical dimension that problematize events and trends on the basis of a Swedish context. The analysis should take particular account of how developments contribute to or counteract the transport policy objectives in general and the target for the proportion traveling by public transport, walking and cycling to increase in particular. The external analysis is reported quarterly. Work is conducted within the framework of the K2 - national center for public transport. K2 is already conducting projects in the area that creates opportunities for synergies. In a Vinnova-funded project is focusing on the institutional framework importance for the emergence of integrated mobility services. K2 and VGR will additionally employ an industry that will conduct research in the field.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Hult�n, John
开始时间: 20160101
预计完成日期: 20181231
实际结束时间: 0