TRC1606 - Estimating Bridge Girder Camber and Deflection
项目名称: TRC1606 - Estimating Bridge Girder Camber and Deflection
摘要: The purpose of this project is to improve the accuracy in estimating of camber and the long-term deflection of prestressed concrete girders. The project has three objectives which focus on evaluating concrete properties, measuring strand stress, and monitoring camber. The contribution of concrete properties and strand stresses to the variation in initial camber and long-term deflection will be assessed, a set of multipliers used to estimate camber at erection will be determined, and possible modifications of ARDOT specifications to accommodate the research findings will be proposed.
状态: Completed
资金: 149926
资助组织: Federal Highway Administration
项目负责人: McKenney, Christopher
执行机构: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
主要研究人员: Prinz, Gary S.
开始时间: 20160101
预计完成日期: 20190630
实际结束时间: 0