Framework for Verifying and Validating the Performance and Viability of External Leak Detection Systems for Liquid and Natural Gas Pipelines
Framework for Verifying and Validating the Performance and Viability of External Leak Detection Systems for Liquid and Natural Gas Pipelines
Pipeline leak detection technology vendors offer a broad range of configurations and measurement approaches to pipeline operators. This project will develop an assessment framework consisting of procedures and guidelines to assist pipeline operators in selecting viable technologies and in validating the performance of leak detection systems for specific applications. The framework will assist pipeline operators in collecting information from technology vendors, specifying and modeling the characteristics of the release events that need to be addressed, determining the viability of each technology and conducting tests to evaluate technology performance. The project will also include a demonstration of the implementation of the framework for an example application. This will include assessing a variety of technologies to identify viable options and conducting performance evaluation tests on representative technologies.
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration