Kontraktstypens effekt p� v�gentreprenader - Inverkan p� teknisk kvalitet
项目名称: Kontraktstypens effekt p� v�gentreprenader - Inverkan p� teknisk kvalitet
摘要: The Swedish National Transport Administration (SNTA) has decided that road infrastructure projects to a greater extent should be procured based on that the technical quality is expressed in terms of performance. In essence, this means that the performance of each project procured emphasizing road surface evenness (rutting and longitudinal evenness) during a relatively long warranty period (often 10-20 years). This new, so-called design-build, approach of contracting infrastructure projects can be contrasted with the traditional design-bid-build approach where technical quality is characterized based mainly on material specifications and detailed execution of construction activities, and that in connection to the final inspection when the road is finished for trafficking. Previous investigations of procurement methods and their effect on performance have primarily been devoted to financial aspects and time of delivery. The third important project goal of interest in this study: technical quality has only received limited attention. The basic research question in this project proposal is whether any procurement approach (D-B or DBB) affects quality and, in such a case, to what extent. There are several reasons why it is important to evaluate the performance of different infrastructure projects. For a contractor or a consultant, working in an environment characterized by DB projects, it is important to be able to predict performance over the contract period. For a client, it seems important to be able to set adequate requirements. In addition, it may be important to monitor whether the quality of a given project or portfolio of projects improve over the years due to changes in production methods, materials, design methods and other commitments. Over longer times, it even may be important to evaluate the effect of the actual choice of procurement route taken by the authority. This last question is related to the actual function of the infrastructure market, and thereby of interest for those studying the performance of the sector. By gathering administrative information such as technical requirements, data of measurements and analyzing individual projects (according to a list of projects determined by the reference group), surface evenness parameters such as IRI and rut depth will be statistically evaluated over time. The yearly costs, 480 000:- during 5 years, will be divided equally among the three parts: NCC Roads, the SNTA and SBUF. The project is carried out at KTH.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Lundstr�m, Robert
执行机构: Kungliga Tekniska H�gskolan, KTH
开始时间: 20150701
预计完成日期: 20191231
实际结束时间: 0