摘要: |
The goal for this project is to provide advanced geographic information systems (GIS)-based wetland prediction methods and tools based on LiDAR data and ArcGIS for the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). According to the NCDOT's needs, the project proposes the scope of work as follows: (1) conduct a literature review and investigate the status of existing GIS-based methods and models of wetland type and functional assessment prediction; (2) create an automated method and tools capable of assigning North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NCWAM) wetland types to the results of NCDOT-predicted wetlands based on the NCWAM guideline in via the wetland type flow chart and the developed automation tools WAMAT (WAM Automation Tools); (3) develop a method to assess the wetland functional potential and condition of predicted wetlands; (4) validate the developing methods and models through field testing; and (5) prepare documentation and tools product for the proposed methods, models, and algorithms. The method and models will offer more useful information to detail wetland type prediction beyond the usual statistics for stochastic systems with random events. The model and visualization tools will automatically and vividly display wetland types and regions by data and color based on the GIS platform (ArcGIS and ArcObjects) that NCDOT currently uses. Thus, the system will be easy to use and maintain. For the wetland functional assessment, GIS-based methods and tools will be investigated or developed to determine the optimum interaction of various data in the approximation of the wetland condition matrix. |