Corrosion Evaluation of Novel Coatings for Steel Components of Highway Bridges Phase II
项目名称: Corrosion Evaluation of Novel Coatings for Steel Components of Highway Bridges Phase II
摘要: The research in Phase II is to be in part continuation of the assessment of materials tested in Phase I but with continued outdoor exposure for extended time periods as well as testing of other newly introduced coatings that may be of interest to the Department. The work in Phase II will incorporate testing of material and corrosion durability of coating repairs for these novel coatings as well as for conventional coating systems. The objectives of the research are to: (1) Identify novel coating systems and compatible repair coating applications for corrosion mitigation of steel that are commercially available and that may be applied to steel components of highway bridges, and obtain samples from industry for testing. (2) Resolve compatibility of the coating system and repair coating for bridge environments of interest to the department. This includes identifying possible degradation mechanisms of the coating system in environments representative of aggressive environmental conditions in Florida. (3) Assess important parameters for corrosion durability of the coating systems and repair coatings and their mechanisms for possible degradation. (4) Ascertain if the coating systems and repair coatings may fulfill the needs of the department and provide recommendations for further steps to implement the coating systems for application to highway bridges.
状态: Completed
资金: 298587.00
资助组织: Florida Department of Transportation
项目负责人: DeFord, Harvey
执行机构: Florida International University
主要研究人员: Lau, Kingsley
开始时间: 20150319
预计完成日期: 0
实际结束时间: 20181130