原文传递 Federal Aviation Administration Fiscal Year 2006 Business Plan: Security and Hazardous Materials.
题名: Federal Aviation Administration Fiscal Year 2006 Business Plan: Security and Hazardous Materials.
摘要: Security and Hazardous Materials (ASH) has the primary responsibility for critical infrastructure protection, emergency operations, contingency planning, and the safe transportation of hazardous materials in air commerce. The ASH organization assists the FAA in accomplishing its mission by linking the ASH Strategic and Business Plans directly to the FAA Flight Plan. ASH has responsibility for the hazardous materials program, a major safety program within the FAA, and important roles in critical infrastructure protection and emergency operations. These areas are vital to FAA's successful accomplishment of its mission. The protection of FAA's critical infrastructure is a national and homeland security concern that continues to receive a high level of attention. In recognition of the impact that the Air Traffic Organization (ATO) has on our country's transportation infrastructure, ASH develops and implements policy to protect FAA employees, contractors, facilities, and assets. ASH conducts assessments and inspections at FAA facilities to determine compliance with facility security, communications security, and classified information orders and directives. ASH manages the ID media program for the agency and is the lead organization for the agency on Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12), Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors, which will standardize ID media government-wide. ASH conducts suitability investigations of employees and contractors, and investigations of employees, non-employees, contractors and airmen suspected of violating FAA orders and regulations. Additionally, ASH is responsible for developing and implementing national policy on hazardous materials through inspections, training, and outreach to those involved in the hazardous materials industry worldwide. The Washington Operations Center Complex (WOCC) is located in ASH, as well as the Emergency Operations Division, which provides crisis management support and Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning and implementation. ASH also supports the national security responsibilities of the FAA through the National Security Coordination Division.
报告类型: 科技报告